Friday, 29 January 2010

Friday, 29th January 2010 - Paths

The interlocking brick path just off our deck
resembles a waffle
after high winds have blown most of the snow away.
I often have to tread carefully along the path by the washing line!

Clearly I am not the only one :-)

~ Chris ~

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 - Weather

No snow, no frost, no rain, no sun.
Just heavy grey clouds.
And Fennel patterns against the sky.

~ Chris ~

Yarrow, with a sprinkling of snow.

After a few days of rain, the snow returned this morning, but only for a while.


Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sunday, 24th January 2010 - Fences

We planted Trumpet Vine in front of our garden fence years ago. It looks amazing in bloom during the Summer months, and I even like the way it looks today on a rainy January morning.

Our fence at the bottom of the garden is covered with ivy.
It provides shelter and food for the blackbirds and robins
~ Chris ~

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Thursday, 21st January 2010 - Bark

The irregular furrows and gray, scaly plates have become more apparent on the bark of our Silver Maple as it ages. It is now 20 years old.

Although there are no leaves on our Rowan the lichen makes patterns on the bark.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Monday, 18th January 2010 (1st Post)

One of the regular visitors to our garden are the grey squirrels.
Waiting patiently when they hear the screen door open, knowing that a treat will appear!
When we decided to invite wildlife to our garden we didn't imagine we would have so many seagulls. This proud youngster is standing guard over the bird table!
He is not the kind of visitor we prefer :-)